Read More: AngelsTHE INVISIBLE REALM OF EXISTENCE Belief in the invisible realm of existence and the beings inhabiting it is another essential of Islamic faith. Since our sensory powers are limited, it is not wise to deny outright the existence of realms beyond our senses. Also, we know so little about existence that what we do know…
The Resurrection And The Afterlife
Read More: The Resurrection And The AfterlifeA visible but oft-neglected difference between human and other types of life is instructive. Inanimate objects serve universal purposes in a complicated, amazing way, but do not know what they do or why they do it. Plants and trees have some degree of life and serve animals and human beings as food. Also, addressing themselves…
Divine Destiny and Decree
Read More: Divine Destiny and DecreeDIVINE DESTINY AND DECREE AND HUMAN FREE WILL The Qur’anic word translated as “destiny” is qadar. In its derivations, this word also means “determination,” “giving a certain measure and shape,” “dividing,” and “judging.” Muslim scholars of Islam define it as “Divine measure,” “determination,” and “judgment in the creation of things.” As terms, qadar or Destiny…
The Quran
Read More: The QuranApproaching the Quran The Quran was conveyed by Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, to humanity as God’s Word and testifies to his Prophethood. Being his greatest miracle, it challenges the Arabs of that time and all people to come until the Last Day to produce one chapter like it. It is unparalleled…
Revelation and Other Divine Books
Read More: Revelation and Other Divine BooksWahy and Ilham (Revelation and Inspiration) Revelation and inspiration are two subjects that have been much discussed in Islamic religious sciences, as they are each an important dimension of effusion and manifestation. Telling someone about something, suggestion or gesture, sending a messenger, speaking to someone so privately that no one else can hear, conveying knowledge…
Read More: ProphethoodGod creates every community of beings with a purpose and a guide or a leader. It is inconceivable that God Almighty, Who gave bees a queen, ants a leader, and birds and fish each a guide, would leave us without Prophets to guide us to spiritual, intellectual, and material perfection. Although we can find God…
False Arguments About The Origin Of Existence
Read More: False Arguments About The Origin Of ExistenceMedieval European conceptions about the nature and existence of the universe were strongly underpinned by the authority of the Church which in turn relied upon arguments from scriptures that had long since deviated from their true originals. As modern scientific thinking developed, it met a great deal of hostility from the Church whose authority it…
Allah Or God?
Read More: Allah Or God?In Islam, the term “Allah” is the unique personal name of the One true God, reflecting a concept of God that is distinct and unparalleled. Unlike the word “god,” which can be plural or gendered, “Allah” has no such variations. This uniqueness is emphasized in Aramaic, the language of Jesus and a sister language of…
The Universe And God’s Existence
Read More: The Universe And God’s ExistenceThe existence of God is self-evident, but due to the influence of positivist and materialist thinking, we discuss this truth. The prevailing scientific worldview often overlooks invisible dimensions, focusing solely on the observable. Throughout history, the majority has believed in God, a belief itself validating His existence. Not believing doesn’t imply superiority. Many innovative minds,…